Friday, August 26, 2011

u deserve it

sedih... sedih... n sedih... haha~ itu ape yg ak rasekn skrg... dis is becoz of me myself... shame on u dayah... smpi menanges ak dibuatnye... huhu~ for those who understand me, they will know why is it im being like this... n for those others, pliss do not think bad about me, im on my way trying to improve myself, n i'll try hard... for those yg da berikan kate2 semangat, i really2 appreciate it... huhu~ thanks ein ana n tika n others... korang selalu ade utk berikan ak semangat...
"ur time will surely come, surely and better", "u will be soon after us" insyaAllah hopefully, amin~
"ade hikmah dayah", i'll remember dat... thanks...

for those yg akan graduate tahun nie, congratulation!!! =]

p/s : sorry, ayat tonggang terbalik mengikut emosi semasa yg sama tonggang terbaliknya... huhu~

Monday, August 22, 2011

girl's heart

she's beautiful
she's intelligent
she's cute
she's kind
she's good
she's lovable
she's perfect

n i am???

stop thinking like that pleaseeeee... hey girl, u are what u are n not gonna be anyone else... remember, there someone outside there waiting for u, that's worth for u...

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Without a word

I shouldn't have done that
I should have just ignored it
Like something I couldn't see
Like something I cannot see
I shouldn't have look at you at all

I should have run away

I should have act like I did not hear
Like something I couldn't hear
Like something I cannot hear
I shouldn't have listen to love at all

Without a word you let me know love

Without a word you gave me love
You made me even hold of your breath
But you run away like this

Without a word love leaves me

Without a word love tosses me away
What should I say next
My lips were suprised on their own
Coming without any words

Why does it hurt so much

Why does it hurt continuously
Except for the fact that I can't see you anymore
And that you're not here anymore
Otherwise it's the same as before

Without a word tears fall

Without a word my heart breaks down
Without a word I wait for love
Without a word I hurt because of love
I zone out I become a fool
Because I cry looking at the sky

Without a word farewell finds me

Without a word the ends come to me
I think my heart was suprised
To send you away without any preparation
It came without a word

Without a word its come

Without a word it leaves
Like the fever before
Maybe all I need to do is hurt for awhile
Because in the end only scars are left

Thursday, August 11, 2011


You keep tryin' to get inside my head,
While I keep trying to lose the words you said
Can't you see I'm hangin by a thread,
To my life what I know,
Yeah I'm losing control and

Oh no, my walls are gonna break
So close, it's more than I can take
I'm so tired of turning and running away
When love just isn't safe
you're not safe

I'm strong enough, I've always told myself
I never want to need somebody else
But I've already fallen from that hill,
So I'm droppin my guard
Here's your chance at my heart and

Oh no, my walls are gonna break
So close, it's more than I can take
I'm so tired of turning and running away
When love just isn't

Everything you want, but it's everything you need
It's not always happy endings,
But it's all the in between
It's taken so long, so long to finally see
That your love is worth the risk

Oh no, my walls are gonna breeeaakk
Oh no, my walls are gonna break
So close, it's more than I can take
I'm so tired of turning and running away
When love just isn't safe

Oh no, my walls are gonna break
So close, it's more than I can take
So tired of turning and running away
When love just isn't safe

You're not safe
And that's okay

dis is d condition of my heart rite now, maybe??? hehe

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

shepherd pai!

nak resepi? hehe

bahan A (inti)
500 gram daging kisar
1 labu bawang besar (potong dadu) 1 ulas bawang putih (cincang halus) 1 cawan kacang panggang
8 biji cendawan butang (belah 4) 5 biji tomato
1 btng carrot (potong dadu)
1 pokok daun parsli (cincang)
1 sudu mkn tepung jagung (dibancuh dgn 1 cawan air)
1 sudu makan blackpepper
1 kiub stok daging
2 sudu makan minyak masak
garam secukup rasa

Bahan B (pai) 1 kg kentang (potong dadu)
setengah cawan susu segar
2 sudu makan mentega
1 sudu teh serbuk lada sulah
garam secukup rasa

Cara membuat inti : 1. panaskan minyak, tumis bwng besar dan bwng putih
2. masukkan daging kisar dan cendawan butang, kacau sampai daging masak
3. masukkan tomato dan bahan lain kecuali bancuhan tepung jagung
4. apabila mendidih, masukkan bancuhan tepung tdi dan kacau sehingga masak
5. angkat dan masukkan dalam mangkuk lain dahulu

Cara membuat pai :
1. rebus kentang dengan air dan garam sampai rebusan kering
2. lecek kentang dan campurkan dengan susu segar, lada sulah dan mentega
3. masukkan kentang sedikit kentang yg telah dilecek dalam mangkuk aluminium kecil
4. masukkan inti dan tutupkan dengan kentang
5. bakar dalam oven yg sudah dipanaskan dengan suhu 200c selama 30 min
6. siap masak, tunggu sejuk sat, boleh makan!

selamat mencube!!!

sumber gambar :